The next film in English (with subtitles in Spanish) will be the highly acclaimed Moonlight, recent winner of three Oscars including Best Film.
Tag Archive for gay
Child of Gay Couple Refused School Enrolment
by David Darby •
El País ran a story yesterday about a gay couple, Iván Vallejo and Ricardo Lucas, who tried to enroll their son at a Yago School in Seville, but were refused. Hearing that other parents had managed to enroll their children, they called again and omitted to mention their sexual orientation. They were immediately told there were “still spaces left for 2012-2013 year.”
Gay Penguins
by Duncan Inglis •
Now here’s something to get serious about. Two homosexual flightless birds at the Madrid zoo, sentimental partners for six months, apparently have been dreaming about a child of their own
Wonky World
by David Darby •
Three weird world stories from the March edition including Canadian military balls, Russian police arresting gay suspects and a very dodgy one million dollar note.