Tag Archive for EU

New Law Costs Lives

Today there is a province-wide strike amongst veterinary surgeons because of a change of law which has come down from Europe, which puts pets lives at risk.

Not on The Cards

The Government has answered a written question entered by the PP in the Lower House of the Spanish Parliament concerning Motril Port having a rail connection.

Trawler Extinction?

The proposed limitations that the EU plans to hand down on trawler fleets, amongst them those of Motril Port, make it economically unviable to continue.

Fishing Sector Angst

The proposals by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DG MARE) on the permissible totals of captures (CT) with its quotas for 2025 has caused rejection from the Motril fishing sector.

No Train for Motril

Motril will not be part of the Corredor del Mediterráneo following an European Parliament decision after finalising the 2030 Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).

Costa Train

The business sector on the Costa Tropical is mightily miffed with the socialist Central Government over a possible Granada-to-Motril rail connection.

Fuel Prices To Go Up

You will have already noticed that prices at the pump have been going up since the ending of the 20-cent discount but from Sunday they will rise again.