Tag Archive for education

Setting an Example

The Head of the Education Board in the Regional Government of Madrid, Lucía Figar, is not short of a penny or two, thanks to a generous public salary. Yes, Lucía has a gross annual salary of 87,000 euros.


After the teachers in the Balearic Islands had been on strike for ten days, a conservative MP dropped a bomb shell: parents who are supporting the teachers strike run the risk of having their children removed from their care for not ensuring that they children go to school.

Unions to The Rescue

One of the biggest nationwide workers unions, the Comisiones Obreras, has proposed raising the school-leaving age to 18 in order combat unemployment.

Student Protest March in Granada

Tens of thousands of Spanish secondary-education pupils came out in protest across the country in protest against education cuts and corruption. They were calling for the whole government cabinet to resign.

Two New Schools for Salobrena?

Both the Town Hall and the Education Board have been trying to unblock the infant school project in La Caleta. To bring that about Salobrena will have to provide a building plot for it.

Official Coaltion Announced

The new Mayoress of Almunecar called a press meeting this morning at 10am to announce that the PP had officially signed a pact with the PA to form a stable government.

Amoral Integrity

Two youngsters in Granada have been accused of an attack against moral integrity after they secretly filmed one of their classes and then posted the video on YouTube, accompanied by all sorts of rude and perjorative comments concerning their teacher.