Tag Archive for demolished

Kasbah’s Gone

La Herradura has lost its veteran discotheque Kasbah, which closed down at the beginning of last month, leaving those that frequented it over the decades, bereft.

CA Want Rubble Check

The main opposition party in Almuñécar, the CA, headed by J.C. Benavides, has requested that the Town Hall carries out an analysis of the market-building rubble.

Franco’s Revenge?

The locals of Larrabetzu, in Vizcaya (Basque Lands) have long wanted to demolish a large stone cross erected in honour of the fascist dictator, Franco – then the day came.

Market Demolition Set

The Almuñécar Town Hall has informed stall holders at the Municipal Market that that as of the 1st of September they must close. The market is to be demolished.