Tag Archive for dance

White Night

La Herradura held its Noche en Blanco on Saturday the 3rd in the setting of the old town with works of art, dance poetry & musical performances etc.

Cuddly Sing-along and Melancholy Tango

Sweden and Finland offer fantastic musical events during this summer, with chamber music, opera, jazz, rock festivals, you name it. There are gigs and festivals for every taste, but I would like here to take up two of the most typical and folksy summer festivities; Sing-along at Skansen in Stockholm (Allsång på Skansen) and the Finnish Tango Festival in Seinäjoki , Southern Ostrobothnia.

2nd Flag Day and More

The Ladies of Las Amigas de la Cruz de la Victoria are staging their second flag day tomorrow, Saturday, in Almuñécar, collecting donations to fight cancer.

Spring Fiesta

The end of April saw the celebration of the La Herradura Spring Fiesta, and thankfully, although a little bit cloudy at first, spring actually did show her sunny side.

St. Patricks

Last year, the only place to be in the village on St. Patricks Day was El Ancla, and it looks like the evening of 17th March will be one to remember again.