Two cyclists needed to be rescued by helicopter in two different incidences yesterday; one in Nigüelas and one in Lanjarón.
Before you utter, “weirdo”, and slam the lid shut on your laptop computer, just admit, deep down, that you do. Let me explain. Living at the top of a mountain road there was a blissful absence of annoying cyclists, bikers and Anglophile drivers using the wrong side of the road. With a little over a…
If you are like me and live up the Cabra Montes road, cyclists are not on your Xmas-card list… so here’s something to cheer you.
There was an accident in Vélez de Benaudalla on Saturday involving a collision between two cyclists on the entrance road to the village.
Good news and bad news… the Vuelta de España cycling race will be passing through Almuñécar before heading up the old Cabra road to Granada. Yes, that’s good news for fans and bad news for absolutely everybody else.