Tag Archive for coach

Synchronized Swimming out of Synch

The euphoria experience during and after the Olympics was burst asunder by a scandal involving the revered Spanish synchronized swimming team. it seems that the ex-coach, Anna Tarrés, applied US Marine-type psychology on her charges.

Travellers Rights (Part 1)

Rights of the passenger in cases of delay, cancellation, overbooking and lost luggage (part 1):
Every time we buy a ticket from a transport company e.g. plane, train, coach, etc we implicitly enter a contractual agreement with that transport firm. The contract is generally named “conditions of carriage”, “terms and conditions” or other similar names. It can be found on the company website and sometime in small print at the back of the ticket or in one of the receipts after the purchase. When we buy a ticket online we implicitly sign the contract by ticking the box stating that we accept the conditions of the transport company.

Life Changing Advice

Jacqui is a UK qualified counsellor and member of the BACP and is also currently training in psychotherapy. She is also a graduate coach having trained with an American Coach University.