Tag Archive for chips

The Anchor

You’re assured of a warm welcome when you drop in at El Ancla (The Anchor), and at the same time you can enjoy a full English breakfast, snacks and full meals, it’s also worth checking out the blackboard outside for specials.
The family team of Katie, Jean, Cliff and Jonathan can be found on Paseo Andrés Segovia from 10.00am every day except Thursdays, and there you will find, from the creative hand of Jonathan, fish and chips worthy of a king!

El Ancla Offer

Fish and chips on a Friday were always the order of the day when I was a lad. Luckily, we can have Jonathan’s spectacular fish and chips at El Ancla every day, that’s right, not just Fridays but every day!
But just to keep Fridays a bit special, the brilliant offer during June is a bottle of house red or white wine with your fish and chips! That’s right, you can have fish and chips every day, but on Fridays you get a bottle of wine to boot, absolutely free! (Probably best you book in advance).