Nowadays you can use your mobile to obtain cash at an ATM, not just your bankcard but some people still prefer using dynamite.
Tag Archive for Caja Rural
Thieves Blow Up ATM
by Vivienne Hughes •
La Herradura’s Disappearing Banks
by Martin Myall •
As of this month, La Herradura will only have two bank branches in the whole village, as Caixa Bank will have closed their branch on Calle Eucalipto.
Caja Rural SMS Scam
by Martin Myall •
Caja Rural Changes
by Martin Myall •
Village Bank Branch Closes
by Martin Myall •
Two Years’ Imprisonment for Bank Auditor
by Hugh MacArthur •
An employee of Caja Rural in Granada has been given a 2-year prison sentence and a 1,620-euro fine for misappropriating a customer’s cheque. Read on…
Stop Desahucios
by Hugh MacArthur •
The pressure group, Plataforma Stop Desahucios de Almuñécar-La Herradura, managed to stop another property auction that was set for the end of the month.
Caja Rural
by Editor •
You can see literally dozens of TV commercials for banks where they talk about friendly staff; plenty of posters of smiling bank staff, but I can honestly say that the crew at the Avenida de Andalucía branch of the Caja Rural in Almuñécar really are a friendly bunch: Miguel, Raul, María and Cristela.
Bank Rescues Car Parks
by Editor •
The Caja Rural has signed a deal with the Town Hall, whereby they will extend credit to those that wish to buy a parking space in the two controversial, underground car parks.