Today marks the 35th anniversary of the opening of Almuñécar’s water park, so during the whole day there will be a fiesta!
(DLC) Last Saturday saw the 25th Anniversary Concert of the Coral Villa de Salobreña, with both former and present members of the choir participating.
This year, Spain celebrated its most famous writer of all times. On April 23, four hundred years had passed since the death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, outstanding writer, poet and playwright.
From tomorrow until Sunday, you will have a chance to have a shufty (look) at all the Indiana Jones props from the one filmed in Almería and the Guadix area.
2013 sees the 25th Anniversary of GINS which was founded when four keen golfers who played with the International Golf Society in Málaga felt the need to play nearer home.
The final day of the 450th anniversary commemorations held in La Herradura ended with a solemn act in homage to the 5,000 victims of this maritime disaster.
A number of concerts have been organised to celebrate the most important occasion of the 25th anniversary of Juventudes Musicales in Almuñécar.
La Herradura marked the 449th anniversary of a naval disaster in 1562, when a storm claimed between 3,000 and 5,000 lives in the bay.
More cultural news, this time in the Casa de la Cultura, where on the 9th of June you will be able to see a flamenco performance to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Escuela de Baile de María Goméz, La Canestera. It will be a special gala event.
Got any idea who Javier de Burgos is? Neither did I until I read the original article.