Residents of an urbanización in Salobreña woke up to find a wild boar with its head stuck between the bars of an entrance gate.
Tag Archive for alminares
Gurtel Gnashing
by Duncan Inglis •
As mentioned last month, the connection between the national corruption scandal of Caso Gürtel and the Urbanisacion Las Alminares has been taken up by the Salobreña opposition parties as an electoral WMD against the Mayor.
Corruption Touchdown I
by Editor •
El Caso Gürtel is possibly the biggest corruption scandal in history of post-Franco Spain, and one of its tentacles has touched the Costa Tropical: Urbanisación Las Alminares.
Corruption Touchdown II
by Editor •
First of all, it is very important to make it very clear here that not all the villas in Urbanisación las Alminares are tainted by this scandal – many were bought by honest people through honest means.
Money Laundering
by Dave Nichols •
There’s only one place to start this month’s effort, for it’s not often our village makes the national news! I refer of course to the investigation (code-named Gürtel) into the source of funds used to purchase some of the houses built on the new(ish) urbanisation Alminares, abutting the Monte de Los Almendros.