A farmer decided to plant a poplar-tree plantation on his land… near Granada Airport. The next thing he knew, he had been fined 100,000 euros.
The individuals have had court orders served forbid them from entering Málaga Airport, after their arrest over alleged incidents of theft involving tourists.
British Airways has announced that it will be running four flights a week between Granada and London from the 25th of July.
British Airways is in discussions with the Provincial Council of Granada over the possibility of running flights out of Granada Airport.
Starting today Iberia workers are carrying out strike action until the 22nd of February. If their demands are not met, there will be further strike action from the 4th to the 8th of March and then from the 18th to the 22nd of the same month – a total of 15 days of stoppages.
A judge has served a court order on a homeless man, who has lived in a Malaga Airport terminal for the last two years, forbidding him from entering again.
Leaving La Herradura on the 31/01/2011 en route to Málaga airport we nearly missed our flight because the signage to the airport is non-existent at the turn off to the new ring road
Cotobro resident, John Wright writes in to both complain and alert other readers to the possible perils of using the car-hire facilities at Gatwick and other airports
Sometimes, even us car owners need the services of a taxi. Whether we’ve broken down or have just had one or six too many, and need to get home to our bed without going via a Guardia Civil cell.