Tag Archive for airport

Granada Airport News

The budget-flight company, Vueling cancelled a flight last Thurday from Granada to Barcelona, programmed for 22.40h – passengers were not happy.

Granada Airport News

When Easyjet stopped operating out of Granada Airport in 2020, we lost many flight connections, amongst them London, Berlin, Milan and Napoles.

Brrrrr Baza!

Whilst it might seem a little on the chilly side on the Costa Tropical, up in Baza on the altiplano de Granada (plateau) temperatures dropped to below 7-degrees Celsius.

Reader: Vueling Beef

A reader responds to the article on Vueling flight delays at Granada Airport with her own experience using them and frustration felt at trying to get any response from them.

It’s Just Not Cricket!

OK, let me first explain (for non-native, English speakers) that the article headline is a (dated) phrase used in English to mean “it’s just not acceptable.”