Tag Archive for aguas y servicios

Jete Sewage Overhaul

The Chairman of the Mancomunidad, Rafael Caballero, met with the Mayor of Jete, Plácido Jerónimo and the Manager of Aguas y Servicios, Alejandro Jurado for a photoshoot on Calle Aguacate in the village.

Preparing for The Rains

The water-utility company, Aguas y Servicios, which holds a contract from the Mancomunidad, is busy clearing out the rain drains along the Costa Tropical.

Rambla de Las Brujas

IU Verdes, Equo Motril have voiced their indignation over the state of the Rambla de Las Brujas, both because of contamination and because of accumulating rubbish in it.

Torrecuevas Sewage Solution

The Chairman of the Mancomunidad, Rafael Caballero, paid a visit to the Almuñécar Barrio Torrecuevas, together with the Mayor, Juan José Ruiz Joya, concerning sewage disposal.

Motril Runs Dry

The inhabitants of Motril had a nasty surprise yesterday because there was no water to be had coming out of their taps in many areas of the town.

Rain Drain Cleaning

The water, utility company, Aguas y Servicios is in the midst of clearing out rain drains on the Costa Tropical in preparation for the coming rains.