Jordi Miralles used to be chauffered around in an official car in his capacity of Member of Parliament for the Catalan Regional Parliament – he now pushes a postman’s delivery trolley.
A satirical take on Spanish national news
Mercadona Helps Out
by Martin Myall •
The Chairman and founder of Mercadona, Juan Roig, has announced that he will personally fund entrepreneurs from his own pocket, stepping in where the banks have stepped out.
Apartment Prices Fall
by Martin Myall •
The price of apartments fell by 10% in the fourth quarter of 2012 in relation to the same time period of 2011.
The Barcenas Nightmare
by Martin Myall •
Nightmare for the Partido Popular, that is, because this said gentleman was a conservative member of the Spanish Senate and the treasurer for the party on a national level – corruption investigations have unearthed that besides being a prime suspect in the Gürtel scandal, he also stashed away 22m euros in Switzerland.
Hymns and Fumes
by Martin Myall •
In a church in Barcelona, 35 people suffered carbon-monoxide poisoning.
Profit Uncovered
by Martin Myall •
According to the Comisión Nacional de la Energía, petroleum companies increased their profit margin thanks to an 8% increase in prices during 2012 despite consumption having fallen to the 1990’s level.
Those Other Spanish Currencies
by Martin Myall •
You would be wrong to think that the Euro is the only currency in use in Spain; there are no fewer than 30 currency alternatives available, depending on where you live.
Letter Bomb Explodes in Post Office
by Martin Myall •
A small, letter bomb addressed to a priest at the Highland School in Alcobendas (Madrid) exploded whilst being handled in main Madrid sorting office.
Man Cuts Ex-Lover’s Throat
by Martin Myall •
It only took the first four days of this new year to pass, for the first domestic violence related murder to take place, thus begins the new body count for 2013.
Killed by an Air Rifle
by Martin Myall •
A 13-year-old boy accidentally killed his 10-year-old sister with an air rifle on New Year’s day.