Martin Myall

Penal Redemption

Otherwise-Inmates from the provincial prison of Albolote have been working around Salobreña, carrying out community work. The idea is that instead of going to prison, the person can repay his or her debt to society without having to actually serve time.

Benny Vs. The Judges

This month has been court-time season for ex-mayor, Juan Carlos Benavides, for two different reasons. Firstly, the fraudulent bankruptcy case has finally reached the courtroom, after months of deep investigation. This is the most difficult accusation that he has had to face and without doubt the most unlikely to see an acquittal due to the…

Paternal Last Act

Firemen from Baena managed to rescue a 3-year-old boy from a crashed car, whose father managed to comfort moments before dying. The child only had a cut to his forehead – the father died soon after the impact.

CAS November Press Release

Over the past decade, animal lovers in Comares have endured a continual stream of poisonings in the town. An estimated 200 cats and dogs have died painful deaths in that time after eating contaminated meat deliberately left out in the street.

A7 Gorgoracha-Puntalon Go Ahead

The much-needed stretch of autovia between Gorgoracha and Puntalón was 75% complete when all work ground to a halt; the construction company Isolux Corsan had struck an unexpected strata of rock that would require a lot of extra funding to reroute the construction work.

British Consular Newsletter – November

What is Benefit Theft? The vast majority of people who claim UK benefits are honest, law-abiding citizens. But there are those who try to cheat the system. People who are in receipt of UK benefits have a responsibility to keep the authorities informed of any change in their circumstances, as this can affect their claim…

Freebies Fade Out

The Salobreña Town Hall has said ‘enough is enough’ over childrens’ sports freebies; one thing is to guarantee that the children of the town can enjoy good healthy sports and quite another that public funds are being spent so that their tracksuits can be dry-cleaned. And that was the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.

Tenants From Hell

The Policia Nacional have arrested an entire family; the father, mother and son, for stealing everything out of the house that they had been renting – although paying the rent wasn’t actually high on their list-of-things-to-do.