Martin Myall

Padul e-Scooter Crackdown

During the second fortnight of last month Padul Town Hall began a crack down on noisy moped and scooter riders given the amount of complaints received from irriate locals.

Hands On Policing?

A man has been arrested for squeezing a young woman’s buttocks whilst she was waiting for a taxi. surpisingly, it was an off duty police officer.

The Dangerous Dare

It’s dangerous, so naturally young boys want to show off in front of the girls or their friends and so it has been for generations: jumping off El Peñón de Salobreña.

Alcampo & IME

It’s not the first time that Chef Iván Mateo from Restaurante Espacio IME in Motril, has carried out a showcooking event in Alcampo as he did one involving a whole tuna fish and how it is cut up into joints.