Arlene & Dave Nichols

It Ain’t Arf ‘Ot, Mum

So, you think it’s hot in Andalusia at this time of year? Bah, Humbug, I say. You don’t know what hot is. Here in Southern Arizona (very aptly named by the Conquistadores – Arid Zona) we’ve been consistently around 110F (c.45C) for the past few weeks. For our British readers of a certain age, I…

Arrived in the USA

Arene and Dave Nichols, safely esconced in their new home in Tucson, Arizona, bring to you our Americana column. However, sharing the column, divided into “HIS” and “HERS” just might test their domestic bliss… Read on!

Summing Up

At one time rumor had it that the America’s ‘streets were paved with gold’ and many came to its shores in hopes of a better life. It’s probably safe to say that we now know that rumor isn’t so true and that the effects of pursuing the ‘American dream’ can be felt around the world.

Novemeber in the USA

November is the month of stuff…stuffing for the traditional Thanksgiving turkey, being ‘stuffed’ (after eating said turkey along with all the trimmings), looking ahead for ‘stuff’ to buy for holiday presents and questioning just how much ‘stuff’ you need? November is also the month of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City – held…

It All Started in America

“It All Started in America.” For me, that’s true. And like all of us living in a foreign country, occasionally I gravitate toward things reminiscent of home. Amazingly, I found just a little bit of that when I arrived here in Salobreña (more on that later).