Almuñécar Entrance Roadworks

Work will commence tomorrow on the four Almuñécar access junctions on the N-340: Los Pinos, La Paloma (P-4) , the fire station (gasolinera) and the Costa Banana one.

The Councilor for Public Works and Maintenance, Francisco Rodríguez explained that project, which is divided into two phases, has a global budget of 259,800 euros.

The first part will be the gardening work on the existing juctions, and the second part will be the installation of giant pieces of artificial fruit – a large, half, avocado, for instance. These huge, adornments will account for 88,750 euros of the said costs.

The Mayor considers that, “these works will change the image of the entrances to Almuñécar, offering a modern and attractive environment for both locals and visitors.”

Councillor Rodríguez admitted that the work will bring some “necessary discomfort to traffic flow” and consequently asks for “patience and understanding.”

Editorial comment: wouldn’t it be more logical to replace these traffic-light junctions with real roundabouts? And if the Mayor is really worried about how the entrance to Almuñécar looks, he should do something about the skeletal eyesore of a failed hotel construction instead of dragging his feet over its demolition.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: N-340, Entrance Junctions, Decorations, Traffic Lights, Tropical Fruit, Mayor

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