Quad Death

A man in his mid 70s died in Totalán (Málaga) when the quad that he was riding tipped over, trapping him.

The accident occurred around 12.30h on Saturday the 11th. The emergency coordination centre (112) received a call to say that there was an injured, elderly man, trapped under a tipped over quad vehicle.

The fire service, Guardia Civil and an ambulance were despatched to the scene of the accident on the Cuesta de Quiros, at the entrance to private land.

A medivac helicopter was also activated although in the end it was not needed because the 77-year-old victim had died soon after the accident at the scene.

(News: Totalan, Malaga, Andalucia)

Keywords, Quad, 4X4, Tipped Over, Trapped, Elderly Victim, Medivac Helicopter, Fire Service

News, andalucia, malaga, totalan, quad, 4×4, tipped over, trapped, elderly victim, medivac helicopter, fire service

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