Almuñécar Street Closure

The Councillor for Traffic at Almuñécar Town Hall has announced that the town's main drag (Avenida de Andalucía) will be closed to traffic this morning, Friday the 6th.

The closure, which is for the Fiesta Infantil Navideña, will begin at 08.30h and end at 14.00h.

The Councillor for Commerce, Lucía González, pointed out that although today is a bank holiday, as it is the Día de La Constitución, shops around town will remain open as part of the push for Christmas shopping.

The Fiesta Infantil Navideña will have children’s workshops where they will learn to make Christmas decorations, buñuelos y chocolate, and where there will also be fairystory telling, bouncy castles, music and fairground attractions.

Editorial comment: wonderful! The first day of a very busy, double, bankholiday weekend… and they close one of the main thoroughfares during the whole of the morning!

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

Keywords: Children’s Fiesta, Infantil, Workshops, Main Thoroughfare, Avendida de Andalucía, Councillor for Commerce, Christmas Shopping

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