Rules Reservoir is holding 63.35 cubic hectometres of water at the moment, which is 20 more than this time last year.
Thanks to the snowfall throughout the winter and early spring, the reservoir has been fed by melt waters right up to June.
However, in just one week, it lost almost a cubic hectometre through the sluices; the dam has to keep the riverbed flowing all year round to preserve its biosystem.
Anybody travelling up the canyon route will have seen the massive pipes being dug into the riverbed which belong to Desglosado 9 (Part 9) of the infrastructure to bring water down from the reservoir to the Costa Tropical and Río Verde Valley in particular.
However, there is nothing clear about the financing of the other sections or parts of the water-transfer system.
(News: Rules Reservoir, Vélez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de Haro)
Tags: News, Andalucia, Granada, Costa Tropical, Velez de Benaudalla, Rules Reservoir, Water Distribution, Cubic Hectometres
Reader’s comment: “Clearly great news but hopefully won’t affect the desperate need to manage that scarce resource more responsibly…… the long-term trend remains very worrying” – Fred Davies
1 comment for “Rules up from Last Year”