Almuñécar Town Hall is completing the final touches in preparation for the 25th Feria Gastronómica de Almuñécar which is taking place this weekend starting today
During the 7th, 8th an 9th the Parque El Majuelo will host 20 stands belonging to restaurants, bars, and chiringuitos, as well as producers of local products.

The Councillor for Commerce, Lucía González, explained that this year there would be, for the first time, wines from Cariñena, (a town twinned with Almuñécar) who will be rubbing shoulders with wine producers from our province and subtropical fruit produced in the municipality’s vega and on its hillsides.
The fair opens to the public today at 13.00h and will carry on until midnight. Apart from a midday break, it will run all day Saturday and Sunday up to midday.
(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia – Photo: JM de Haro)