Yesterday saw traffic backing up over ten kilometres on the A-44, southbound lanes between Cozvíjar and Béznar owing to a car catching on fire.
The incident occurred around 11.30h but at 13.15h the traffic queues were still running at a snail’s pace. I know, I was amongst them.
One of the reasons for this tailback was because it was the first day of Corpus in Granada and thousands of cars spewed out of the city and headed down to the coast.
But even though the tailback eased off and traffic began moving at a normal pace, things ground to a halt again where the A-44 meets the coastal N-340.
Two lanes of traffic merge into one, especially for drivers trying to get to Salobreña because they have to crawl up the access ramp and advance slowly to the Salobreña main entrance. After that, westbound traffic on the N-340 is normal.
A sign of the coming summer, no less.
(News/Noticias: Salobrena, Costa Tropical Granada, Andalucia – Photo: Laura Méndez Liñán)