Jumps from Moving Train

A passenger decided to jump from the train as it was pulling out from a station, after being caught for having no ticket.

GRA AVE Train in Granada Train StationThe incident occurred yesterday at the Estación Alta Velocidad in Cuenca. The evasive passenger first attempted to threaten the ticket inspector before ejecting himself from the carriage.

In order to get off the train, he smashed a window using an emergency hammer, according to a police press report. Once on the track, he headed for a tunnel just up ahead, which meant that the train had to stay in the station to avoid hitting him in the tunnel.

The physical damage to this high-speed train, plus the economic loss of having the rail service on that line held up for over an hour and a half, amounted to 16,000 euros.

That night, the suspect stayed in a nearby house, changed his clothes, ditching what he was wearing the previous day… and the hammer.

The trouble was… the house had nothing to do with him and the property owner found him there early next morning (today). He allegedly reacted by threatening the homeowner with a large kitchen knife and even forced him to hand over his mobile before scarpering.

The victim asked for help from a neighbour to report what had happened and gave a description of how the man was dressed to the police. When the police tracked him down, he was still carrying the kitchen knife.

Once in police custody, they realised that he was the same person who had jumped from the train the day before. Searching the house where he stayed they found the hammer and the clothes that he had worn on the day of the incident.

(News/Noticias: Cuenca, Castilla-La Mancha)

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