You have a chance to attend an interesting lecture in Vélez de Benaudalla this Saturday concerning Climate Change.
The Lecture will be given by Dº Jesús Areso, who is an aeronautical-engineering researcher, who will also cover possible solutions.
It’s a good chance to practice your Spanish comprehension or go with somebody who can help translate.
The lecture will take place, as said above, on the 11th at 18.00h in the Casa de la Cultura. You can find the Casa de la Cultura at Nº 22 Calle Acacia, on the corner of Calle Albahaca.
Editorial note: Apologies for the brevity of the article but we cannot find any background information on Jesús Areso.
(News/Noticias: Velez de Benaudalla, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)