Goodbye ITV Sticker

Did you know that if you don't have your ITV sticker on your windscreen you could face a 100-euro fine? Well, that could soon be changing as these stickers will disappear.

AND ITV station 400x250What the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) intends to do is to replace this system; thus save on printing costs, with a phone app which should begin to replace the old system by the end of this year.

It also has the objective of making officers’ work, manning road checks, easier, although reading a sticker or noting its absence does not exactly require Mensa membership.

Be that as it may, it appears that both drivers and officers will have this phone app. The system will have to be pretty tight to avoid hacking, forging and data theft, so it all seems to have lots of loose ends.

What if a driver doesn’t use a mobile phone, for example? The upside is that car owners can easily consult their ITV records.

Whatever the case, the DGT has made it abundantly clear that until the system is fully implanted and operative, you will still need a windscreen sticker.

(News/Noticias: Spain)

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