Missed the Boat

Cruise ships bring thousands of tourists of all nationalities every year to Motril Port, but not all of them leave; and not by design, as was the case of the Gordons.

MOT Missed The Boat, Norwegian VivaThe Norwegian Viva, luxury cruise ship did a handbrake turn and parked up, with 3,275 passengers onboard, which is its maximum, passenger-carrying capacity. Making sure that everything runs smoothly is a crew of 1,468.

Having stepped ashore, 2,500 passengers decided to do a bit of a tour on 10 buses, ferrying passengers from the docks to Motril town centre.

The rest stayed onboard to take advantage of this floating hotel with several saunas, a gaming hall, a go-cart course, mini golf, restaurants, etc.

The ship was carrying passengers of 62 nationalities, mostly Americans and Canadians, and the crew was made up of 41 nationalities, so it was almost a floating UN, that had set off from Cádiz and would be doing pit stops at Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona, Marseille, Nice, Livorno and Civitavecchia (Rome).

Now, of the 2,500 passengers that had decided to go ashore, amongst them was Mr & Mrs Richard and Claudene Gordon; an elderly couple from Utah. The trouble was… the ship buggered off without them. It should be pointed out that they had decided to go to Granada using their own arrangements, so it was not a laid-on, organised visit.

Now, cruise ships will hang around for organised trips, but if you decide to wander off, that’s your problem, which is why when they did a head count and found two missing… the Captain thought that they would probably vote for Trump and wrote them off as MIA… just joking but they are from Utah… just saying

Despite trying to contact the couple using their contact information (mobiles) it was to no avail. The Gordons, having given up looking at the horizon hopefully, caught a flight to Mallorca, where they could rejoin their briny companions.

(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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