Rubite Underwater Park

The craze for underwater theme parks along the Costa Tropical is spreading because Rubite Town Hall is polishing their project for such an underwater attraction.

COS Underwater Theme ParkYet, don’t think that this is something that they have thought up since teatime because they have been hard at it for some years, going through the red tape and feasibility and environmental studies

The planned park will cover an area of 15,000 sq/m, 14 metres off Playa de Casarones, explained the Mayor, Arsenio Vázquez, adding that to create this quasi-subaquatic museum they will have to sink, non-contaminating, decorative features.

Obviously, they have had to investigate whether these artificial wrecks and sunken classical-era, ruined-building remains will be a problem for the Environment.

The project was developed by the Universidad de Granada and the Provincial Council but everything is pending approval from some administrations, amongst them the temible Costas.

Almuñécar, as previously reported, has long planned to have one, which is projected to be 200 metres off the Peñón del Lobo, close to the Marina del Este, at a depth of between 15 and 25 metres.

Editorial comment: if the authorities don’t get a move on there will be no need to build an artificial park beneath the waves because coastal towns will already be down there, owing to global warming.

(New/Noticias: Rubite, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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