European Election Deadline

For those foreign residents who are eligible to vote in the upcoming European Elections in Almuñécar, time is running out to check if you are on the list.

ALM European Elections 24Obviously, that does not include the Brits who have rogered themselves with Brexit but the rest of the EU Europeans here have the right to vote.

Therefore, you have until the 29th of this month to check that you are included on the electoral list, and if you aren’t but wish to vote, make it known

In the case of Almuñécar you will find the lists posted inside the Town Hall and in the case of La Herradura, they are in the Centro Cívico.

The lists are accessible from 09.00h to 14.00h everyday until then. You will find them on the ground floor of the Town Hall in the Oficina de Estadística, and in the same titled office within the Centro Cívico building.

If you were unaware of it, the European Elections will be held on the 9th of June. The municipality of Almuñécar has 19,529 people empadronados between Spaniards and foreigners from countries who can participate.

(News/Noticias: Almunecar/Herradura, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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