Almuñécar Faces Fine

The Junta de Andalucia is studying placing a sanction on Almuñécar for ploughing a riverbed during the recent rain so that the water would soak down into the water table.

ALM Rio Seco Flowing 31MR24The river concerned is Río Verde and the entity that brought this act to the attention of the Junta was the Asociación para la Conservación Piscícola y de los Ecosistemas acuáticos del Sur (ACPES).

According to this association, this action was not authorised by the Junta, nor could it have been authorised as in their opinion it damages the ecosystem both in flora and fauna.

The association also considered that ploughing or harrowing the riverbed to make it more porous, thus preventing some of the rain water from just flowing out to sea, is against the Ley de Aguas as it does not “respect the ecologic river flow that maintains its bio system.”

“This act was the coup de grace to the ecosystem, which is already suffering greatly because before the river water reaches Almuñécar it is syphoned off into irrigation systems,” considers the association, adding, “in this area the refilling of the water table occurs naturally and that it is the irrigation further upstream that is preventing it filling up.”

(News/Noticias: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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