Prison for Brit Driver

A British citizen, who stole a van in Motril, failed to stop at a road check point and later rammed a Guardia Civil patrol car near Algarrobo, will go to prison.

MOT Guardia Patrol Car RammedOh, and the 28-year-old, bad lad didn’t have a driver’s licence either.

All this happened back on the 29th of December, 2020 and the Regional Supreme Court (Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Andalucía) has rejected his appeal and confirmed the 8-year, 8-month prison sentence

Apparently, he decided to steal the van, which belonged to a delivery company, because the driver had left the keys on the front passenger’s seat.

Heading on the N-340 towards Málaga at approximately 11.15h, he came across the Guardia Civil carrying out routine stop & check procedure. So, he decided to drive at the officer trying to wave him down, however the policeman managed to dive out of the way. The driver then swung out into the incoming lane in order to get past the parked patrol car, causing drivers to take evasive action.

After a 48-kilometre chase, now on the A-7 autovía, he was driving erratically, trying to provoke an accident to shake the police off his tail. Then he rammed into a patrol car twice belonging to the Grupo de Intervención Rápida, also known as the Green ‘Extra’ Meanies.

The second impact sent the patrol car over the central reservation and colliding with a cement lorry. One of the officers ended up spending 100 days hospitalised, 21 of which were in the ICU, with a fractured skull. His partner was also hospitalised, seriously injured and was off sick a total of 157 days.

Following this impact the Brit abandoned the van and tried to get away on foot but was captured by other officers. However, he offered serious resistance and both officers suffered minor injuries.

The judge accepted the petition by the insurance company for the Guardia Civil vehicle for a reduction of 25% in the compensation because the police driver was not wearing his seatbelt correctly… Even so, the officer will receive 116.225 euros from the insurance company.

Editorial comment: definitely a Ryanair customer… just joking!

(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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