Otivar’s Sewage Problem

Farmers from Otívar have been complaining for the last 25 years about rainwater and sewage being directed alone irrigation channels.

They say that the combined water goes down into a deep cave but ever since the two types of water have been combined, baby wipes and other residuals are clogging things up, or better said, ending up on orchard terraces.

The irrigation community used to make sure this didn’t happen but now there is no control over the situation despite numerous complaints to the relevant administrations.

The community says that they have a document in which the Town Hall could use the irrigation channels as long as they maintained them, which has not been the case, they claim.

In the old days the Town Hall used to sort out the damage caused in a small section but they have never carried out maintenance and the clean out of the irrigation channels, they say.

In September at the behest of the Comunidad, an expert from the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas carried out an inspection and quantified the damage on the farms.

Some years back the relevant administration modernised the system, carrying sewage through separate pipes to the irrigation channels. However, when it rains heavily the system overflows onto the terraces, littering them with toilet paper and raw sewage.

The costs of the damage was valued at 92,042 euros, but nobody has taken it on with administrations passing the buck between them.

(News/Noticias: Otívar, Rio Verde, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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