The 22nd edition of the Feria de La Naranja de El Valle held in Melegís attracted our 4,000 people, despite the weather.

From Last Year’s Event
Set up in a large pavilion, the event had dozens of stands on display with participants ranging from vets to homemade cakes!
A bigwig from the Provincial Council, Pepe Entrena, was present as well as several mayors from the Valle de Lecrin who were warmly welcomed by the Mayor of El Valle, Antonio Ruiz.
Yes, it’s all very confusing when the “Valley de Lecrín” contains a municipality of El Valle but no town named Lecrín, but you get used to it once you find your way around the comarca.
Following the inauguration of the event, there was a gastronomic competition, with a judging panel consisting of Luis Henestrosa, Teresa García, Miguel Molina, Jesús Bracero and Michel Sandoval, who had a tough time judging the two categories: Amateur and Professional.
On Saturday local volunteers prepared over 2,000 portions of migas and remojón, which were gobbled up by the visitors to the event. Then came Sunday, which was the big day for “family hiking”, under threatening skies. However, the rain was slight and intermittent so everybody enjoyed the walk.
(News/Noticas: Melegís, Valle de Lecrín, G