Market in the Garden

This Saturday Restaurante/Hotel Alquería de Los Lentos in Nigüelas (Valle de Lecrín) will be holding its first Mercadillo of the year in its extensive gardens.

GRA LEC Alqueria Live MusicThere will be 40 stalls with all kinds of artisan/handicraft articles, from jewellery to scented candles and from rugs to leather handbags. As it is an all-day event, there will also be homemade pizzas, empanadas, hamburgers, and paella made on the spot in the gardens.

For those who would prefer to sit inside within the restaurant, it is essential that you book so call: 659 912 961.

Like all previous garden-market events held in Alquería de Los Lentos, there will be live music, too, brought to you by El Oso y Sus SabandijasAlquería has its own parking area, but there is also room along the road outside.

If you can’t make it this Saturday, owing to prior engagements, there will also be a Mercadillo in this lovely setting each month: 6th April, 4th of May and 1st of June with a break during July and August, to continue on the 7th of September, 5th of October, 2nd of November and the 7th of December. Just remember that they are held on the first Saturday of each month.

(News/Noticias: Niguelas, Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)

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