Bad Day for Granada Visits

The agricultural unions and associations Asaja, UPA, COAG and the Cooperativas Agroalimentarias de Granada will shut down Central Granada tomorrow with an organised protest.

Gran Vía

Gran Vía

The target area will be the Gran Vía where they will stop traffic for approximately two hours, from 10.00h until noon.

According to the protest organisers, agricultural and livestock farmers will protest on foot in front of the Subdelegación del Gobierno in Granada, situated on the Gran Vía. However, there will be tractors present, who will be escorted by the police.

No roads will be blocked, as has been the case in previous recent protest of the situation of the agricultural sector.

More protests will be held on Thursday the 22nd, which will take place outside Algeciras Port (next to Gibraltar) along the lines of the protest that took place outside Motril port recently.

There will be more protest in the following month, on the 21st of March and with a protest in front of the Delegación Provincial de Agricultura de la Junta de Andalucía and then in April on the 5th in front of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir and then after that it will be the turn of the large supermarket chains: 16th Mercadona, 27th Lidl and 30th Aldi.

As for May, it will be the turn of Carrefour on the 7th, Alcampo on the 14th and El Corte Inglés on the 21st.

(News/Noticias: City & Metropolitan Area, Granada, Andalucia)

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