Guardia Widow Rebels

People were shocked to see drug runners in Barbate (Cádiz) run down a 5-metre long, Guardia Civil zodiac with two 14-metre RIB, weighing up to 5-metric tonnes, powered by four outboard motors, killing two.

AND Guardia Civil zodiac launches in BarbateSmugglers watching it from the shore can be heard on their own videos posted on social media shouting things like “kill them” and hoots of joy.

The Mayor of Barbate had repeatedly asked for more funding for the Guardia Civil because they are pitifully under equipped for the task and this callous act is just one more example of this.

The Guardia Civil managed to arrest eight smugglers; three who landed on a beach to lighten the load because these RIB can reach 110km over water. These three were netted along with two smugglers who  had arrived in transport to help them escape. The three others in the RIB were later nabbed as well when they ran up on another beach.

It was cold blooded murder.

When the Minister of the Interior wanted to pin a medal of honour on a coffin, the widow of Officer David Pérez Carracedo, demanded that the Minister shouldn’t be allowed to do it. So a fellow officer did it. She explained that her husband would not have wanted the man who fails the Guardia Civil, in her opinion, to pin a medal on his coffin.

Officer David Pérez Carracedo, was 43 and from Sarriguren in Navarra where he leaves behind two children of six and nine years of age. Yet, to add insult to injury, when they tried to carry out two minutes silence in Navarra to honour the fallen officers, representatives of the now legalised Bildu, which is the political branch of the defunct Spanish terrorist group, ETA, refused to participate.

(News/Noticias: Barbate, Cádiz, Andalucia)

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