Slow Fireball

When we say 'slow' we mean relatively because this fireball was zooting along, crossing over the province of Granada but visible up to 500 kilometres away.

GRA Slow Fireball 30JA24It was slow as it was dawdling along at 51,000 kph, whereas the more energetic kind happily knock up 260,000 kph, meaning that if you blink, you miss then.

The rock, which came off an asteroid which thankfully didn’t plan on visiting, crossed the sky on the night of the 30th of January, starting 23.17h local time.

It entered the atmosphere above Loja, flew across our province and disintegrated over Almería (Almería has that effect on visitors).

As it was taking its time, plenty of people reported having seen it from as far away as Valencia and Toledo, because as it heated up it became brighter.

(News/Noticias: Granada, Andalucia)

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