Charity Used Clothes Container

The Catholic Church charity, Cáritas, has provided a collection container for used clothes and footwear, which is accessible 24 hours a day.

ALM Caritas Used Clothes ContainerThe container is located on Calle Cristóbal Colón, next to the Templo El Salvador, on the P4.

The container was ceded to the Almuñécar branch of this charity by its provincial office. Since then, Cáritas has requested another container, but this time for La Herradura.

Cáritas has thanked the Town Hall for allowing them to place containers on a public street.

Editorial comment: there have always been used-clothes bins in towns, however, they tend to be pillaged and the clothes are rumoured to end up on street market stalls. This one seems a little more secure.

(News: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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