There's a pun: what does the dog say to the bone? You're hard but I've got the time! Nobody pinged a rib, right? But now It's the title of a film being shot in the valley.
There are twins called Los Paracas who live in the valley and who have shot to fame because of Tú duro; Yo Tiempo has progressed from being a project to a film that will be shot in the summer, directed by Javier Morales, who also part of a production company, Ínsular Sur.
At the end of last year, regional TV Canal Sur announced 31 projects in which it would spend a total of 3,100,000 euros in order to promote Andalusian film production. Javier Morales had one of those projects anchored in Melegís, Restábal and Saleres. Basically, Canal Sur has purchased the rights to the film, which has a 580,000-euro production cost.
Ínsula Sur is in the preproduction stage, sorting out locations, accommodation and catering, etc. Casting is still going on so they are looking for extras. The twins are two of the three main characters and they are still looking for the third, too. This third character is a photographer who settles in the valley and joins up with the twins.
The Head of Ínsula Sur, Sra. Cabello, explained that the majority of filming will be in June although they also want to cover the harvesting of oranges.
So what is the film actually about? The twins, known locally as Los Paracas live their existence swinging between routine and mad antics. In 2018 they meet up with Javier who is a photographer who had come down from Granada looking for a spot of inspiration. All three soon become firm friends. One evening they decide to build a cabin, on which they end up spending a lot of time and it dawns on the photographer that the twins are his artistic inspiration that breaks his creative block. Things take a down turn when just about the finish the cabin, somebody wrecks it and distrust between the three and the locals grows.
(News/Noticias: Valle de Lecrin, Granada, Andalucia)