Motril Stabbing Perp Arrested

The Policía Nacional have arrested a suspect behind a stabbing in the centre of Motril on Monday night.

MOT Hospital Santa Ana New AngleThe victim had been out walking when attacked, as a result of which, he is in intensive care at Hospital Santa Ana.

According to the police, the man was captured only hours after the assault but their investigation into the stabbing continues.

The incident took place around 20.00h, which was witnessed by several passersby. They described how the victim was walking across The Plaza de la Autonomía when he was set upon by two individuals.

The 35-year-old victim, who has deep stab wounds to the chest, is a resident of the marginalised quarter of San Antonio. Police believe that the attack was a “settling of scores,” as the victim and his assailants appear to know each other.

(News/Noticias: Moril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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