Starving Dog Rescued

Well, it seems like the Motril-based police forces are on a roll: a dog left without food or water on a balcony was rescued by the Policía Local.

MOT Starving Dog Rescued DC23The incident took place on Sunday on Calle Gonzalo Hernández.

Concerned neighbours had contacted the police so a patrol was sent around to investigate. They found the animal suffering from thirst and hunger and in a lamentable state.

According to staff at the Albergue Municipal de Animales, which is where the officers took the animal, the dogs shows all the signs of having remained weeks without sustenance.

The dog also had two hernias that will require surgical intervention. The police are investigating those responsible for leaving the dog like this, who will face charges of animal cruelty.

Editorial comment: the owner of the house where the dog was found might be a good starting point…

(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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