Motril Town Hall has decided to go to war against the uncontrolled dumping (fly tipping) around the municipality.
Despite having handed out over a score of fines for fly tipping, there are areas of the town that are literally smothered in rubbish, which has caused friction between cleaning personnel and irate locals.
According to the Vice-Mayor & Councillor for Urban Quality, Juan Fernando Hernández, until now their efforts have proved to be insufficient because of a lack of social awareness amongst residents.
The Town Hall will count on a 2024 budget of 64m euros, which is seven million more than last year. This will provide more than ever for urban cleaning, raising it by two million, to be spent on personnel and equipment.
The Policía Local have been given orders to keep a close eye on trading estates and the town centre to make sure that everybody abides by local bylaws concerning rubbish disposal.
According to these bylaws, the fine for improperly disposing of domestic refuse is between 300 and 1,500 euros. The fines for the irregular dumping of agricultural waste (plastic & vegetal matter) is between 2,001 and 100,000 euros with the exception that if the refuse is considered dangerous (contaminating) then we’re talking about between 20,001 euros and 600,000 euros.
Editorial comment: The fact that it’s not the fault of the cleaners and that it’s the locals who are dumping their rubbish where ever they like doesn’t appear to have occurred to the complaining locals.
(News/Noticias, Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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