In the aftermath of the recent fire on Salobreña vega, it has been calculated that it consumed 260,000 square metres.
The Motril fire service considers that it was probably started intentionally as there were two fires quite some distance apart; too far for sparks and embers from the first to have caused the second. The Guardia Civil share that same opinion.
The fire started at 19.50h on Friday the 1st and required the presence of eight firefighters from Motril, three from Salobreña and two Protección Civil volunteers, as well as members of the Policía Local and Guardia Civil.
The fire wasn’t declared as extinguished until 07.50h Saturday morning, meaning that the firefighters were going flat out for twelve hours to stop the fires from spreading and eventually put them out.
Whoever was behind the fires put several cortijos and storage sheds (aperos) at risk, as well as the lives of firefighters.
(News/Noticias: Salobrena, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)