In case you didn't know it, Almuñécar has an international women's group. Would you like to get involved?

The Women of the Almuñécar International Women’s Group (AIWG) decided to try and help bring a smile to the youngsters’ faces during the festivities.
So they had a collection which raised funds to buy gifts.
Armed with scissors, sticky tape and mountains of wrapping paper, they had fun at the Helios hotel this week wrapping lots of items, to fill dozens of bags with balls, beads, boxes and a variety of interesting presents for the local children.
Group members Sharon Snow & Marie Carmen King delivered the gifts to Templo Iglesia El Salvador in Almuñécar.
The following is from their website:
Almuñécar International Womens Group has been active for over nine years. We meet twice a month for a coffee morning and to plan activities. The group organises events, trips and social outings for ourselves…you may want to go out to a event in town and find out who else might be going, you may be passionate about something and want to share your interests, you may want to take up a new hobby or activity that others are involved in…….or you might just want to come along and meet other women at our regular coffee morning.
In the past few years the group has set up a spanish conversation group, organised a 60s cultural event, participated in the Torrecuevas Romeria, instigated a Sevillianas dance class, and started a group to “amble” through the countryside; and members have hosted a range of social events from pool parties to plant swops.
We meet on the second and the fourth Saturday of each month. The first meeting is purely social, and on the fourth Saurday of every month we meet to plan the next months activities. We have a regular email newsletter for members.
In an email conversation with Cynthia Merrilees, she told us the following:
“The Almuñécar International Women’s Group does not have a base. Members of the group meet for various regular activities at local hotels, restaurants or at each others homes.
(News/Clubs: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
Reader’s comment: “Hi! Although not female I may be interested in joining your group with my girlfriend. We are new to Almunecar and wish to meet new people to help us congregate ourselves into the community. Of course I have no wish to be constantly surrounded by women, so if there other men within the confines of your group that would be great for me. I look forward to your reply.” – Steve Hughes
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