Officers belonging to the Policía Nacional in Motril have arrested a man suspected of being behind the hopper fires in town.
The 66-year-old suspect has a criminal record and is believed to have set fire to three paper-collection hoppers; two made from plastic and one made from metal, causing damage worth 4,000 euros.
These fires were caused on the same day between two and three in the afternoon, in three different spots within Motril in the proximity of the Ronda de Levante.
The suspect was identifid by an eyewitness who saw the 66-year-old man in the act of setting light to a rubbish hopper.
With the arrest it is hoped that the recent spate of arson involving rubbish-recycling hoppers has reached its conclusion.
Editorial note: these incidents were covered in the December issue of the Seaside Gazette, which was distributed yesterday.
(News/Noticias: Motril, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)