Nerja’s Pet Register

Nerja Town hall will create a pet register to improve control of companion animals within the municipality.

AXA NRJ Town HallIn order to do this, they reached an accord with the Málaga Veterinary College to create the register data base, which will be managed by the College.

At the same time the Town Hal will create a census on potentially dangerous breeds,

Another detail included in the accord is that the VCM will train Town Hall staff on how to use the data base, as well as providing six microchip readers for the Policia Local.

On the other hand, the Councillor of Public Health held a reunion with the people who run the Costa Animal Society and Refugio Felino de Leo, as well as locals that control stray-cat colonies, to explain what the new Ley de Bienestar Animal entails.

(News/Noticias: Nerja, Axarquia, Costa del Sol, Malaga, Andalucia)

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