A woman lost 102,000 euros and almost her home because she was in love; victim of a con artist in a romance scam.
The Don Juan was supposedly an American serviceman who she had met only online. So smitten was she that she gave him everything, almost ending in being bankrupt and being unable to pay her mortgage.
The victim, after she finally woke up to the fact that she had been conned, reported what had happened to her to the Guardia Civil.
According to her statement she even used the DNI and names of friends and family, so that she could continue to send him money – the cash transfer company, Western Union, has a limit on how much one person can send.
The culprits, as is the case in many of these affairs, are Nigerian internet scammers who use a false photo and personal info to snare their gullible victims. Their targets are lonely, in need of affection, victims, almost always women, without much knowledge on using the Internet.
The police point out that in many cases, even when it becomes clear to the victim that she has been cheated, she continues to believe that the culprit really loves her. It’s not so much a case of not seeing the truth but not wanting to see the truth.
Readers will remember the case of the false Brad Pitt that we reported on in July: The Bad Brad.
(News/Noticias: Granada, Andalucia)