Polopos Bust

A small, drug-dealing operation in Polopos was shut down by the Guardia Civil as part of Operación Nazarí Ordo Pitágoras23

COS Drugs Bust in Polopos NV23The distribution point was located in a house within the village and following a visit by Guardia Civil, the mother, father and adult son were arrested, charged with crimes against public health.

The drugs confiscated on the premises amounted to 100 doses of cocaine, 16 gramms of hashish and two doses of speed. The officers also confiscated a set of precision scales and 3,185 euros in cash, presumed to be the earnings from drug sales.

It was the Guardia Civil post in Castell de Ferro and the one in Motril that had heard rumours of a dwelling in Polopos where drugs could be purchased on a small scale; i.e., drug pushing, so the house was staked out. They also followed suspects and their movements in vehicles.

With the information gathered through surveillance, the Guardia Civil requested and received a search warrant for the premises from a Motril law courts.

Editorial comment: no doubt residents in the village who follow the Gazette online will have more information…

(News/Noticias: Polopos, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)

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