We are a retired couple and are getting on a bit! However, we'd like to say the staff in the Centro de Salud Almunecar are great and this article is not blaming any of them.
Indeed they have been very helpful and seem to be as frustrated as we are. But what is going on? We talk with the other patients, Brit and Spanish and they say the same.
We needed an appointment to see our doctor to have our prescriptions renewed., so we went online to Clic Salud and found our doctor had been changed!
Off we trot to the Centro de Salud and join the long queue to find out why. While waiting, we saw our original doctor walk past!
The mostrador did not know why the doctor had been changed, but we knew they cannot do this without consulting you, as did his boss when he asked her. The guy managed to get us an appointment with our ‘normal’ doctor to sort it out. Well done and no complaints!
While there, she noticed we hadn’t been blood tested for a while, gave us the paperwork and told us to come back in 10 days or so for the results. Going back to the clerk at the mostrador, date for blood tests and told to get a cita with our (back to normal!) doctor for about 10 days later. All good so far.
Onto Clic Salud… no appointments available, not even to just have the analysis results. We tried and tried, looking for any cancellation – nada. So we went in person to the Centro de Salud.
Lovely chap, apologised and said there were NO appointments until mid-December, but if we attended in person at eight in the morning, you are guaranteed to get seen. Not necessarily true! Eight as we found out, is too late, as the queue is surprisingly large. So is quarter to 07.45h Though, to be fair, the mostrador did say normally we’d have been seen, but there was something wrong. But if you arrive at 07.30h on market day, there are only 4 or 5 people in front! Yay – we got seen!
We have sung the praises loudly (and continue to do so) of our healthcare here, but in the last few months, something seems to have gone drastically off the rails in the CdS. Also, the Clic Salud website locks you out, even with your digital certificate, if you try to access it too often!! A problem when your consultant in Granada tells you to see your doctor immediately!
Does anybody have any idea what is going on? Maybe our politicians could stop fighting each other for five minutes and sort this out?
David Toms
(News/Reader’s Letter: Almunecar, Costa Tropical, Granada, Andalucia)
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